We know that we can reduce stress and increase mental wellness through technology. It is our business model.
Bonnie Roupé, CEO of Bonzun AB (publ.) featured in Scandinavian MIND, 18th of Oct 2021

Femtech has massive importance in the improvement of women’s lives all around the world
”In 2019, Bonnie Roupé was named Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Sweden. She’s the founder and CEO of Bonzun, which was launched in 2014 as one of the first mobile health initiatives in the world and is helping millions of women to feel safe during their pregnancies. It’s been backed by both the World Health Organization and UNICEF, and last week, it was listed on the stock exchange — making Roupé its first femtech CEO.
— Bonzun is born out of my own experiences, she tells, when I almost lost my unborn baby and I was not aware of the danger of the situation. This got my head spinning and I became determined to help other women to feel safe and informed during their pregnancy. Our vision is to have a world where everyone has better control over their life, health, and wellbeing through smart, easy-to-use digital devices developed with the latest evidence-based knowledge.”